Free Spirit Poetry
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The True Beauty of a unicorn

I am a loner. A rebel unicorn. As I wander through the forest, searching for a new band, I can distinguish the scent of humans. I do not understand their ways, and am curious to investigate this huge land. I take one step forward, then two, than three... all of a sudden, I stop dead still, something has made me change my mind. I hear the humans talking about trying to catch a unicorn that night, and kill it for its horn. They set a trap, as I run away in fear. I must escape!! I am hiding deep in the depths of a great leafy bush, they cannot claim my horn here! But unicorns have a bit of magic about them, the humans noticed the magical light, and came to investigate. No one knows the true beauty of a unicorn until it is too late. They find me in the brush, slip a halter over my head and lead me to their camp. I see they have captured a beautiful unicorn mare, probably for me to mate with. No one knows the true beauty of a unicorn until it is too late. I am from the violet band, she is from the red band, a dark shade of crimson, the most beautiful of all. They mate her with me and 12 months later, we have a foal. The foal is a lavender mohogany color, one of the most beautiful and rare colors around. The humans say they will keep us until she gets her horn, then its curtains for the whole band. I must stop these evil men, i cannot watch them sacrifice my daughter, wife, and allow myself to be sacrificed after they get slaughtered. I must find a quick escape route! No one knows the true beauty of a unicorn until it is too late. 3 years later........
She has her horn now, we must fear for our lives. The men bring us slowly into the tack room one by one. I hear my wife scream, then go silent, i cry out in dread, but no sound comes out. Next, they lead in my daughter, now very beautiful indeed, one slice with the knife to the base of her horn, and she becomes an ordinary horse, but that won't do, and they stab her through the heart with the butchering knife, she calls for my help twice, then her life slips away from her. I am angry, and cannot stand for this any longer! I burst through the door of the tack room, and rear up on my hind legs, prepared to take the life of the humans who took the lives of the ones i loved so dearly. Who took the lives of the ones so close to my heart. But it is too late. They tie ropes about my legs, to pull me down. They slice off my beautiful horn, now my deep magic is gone, i can no longer protect myself from the evil ways of the two-leggeds. The knife stabs through my heart, and I stagger backwards with a dreadful cry, then flop down dead. Suddenly, I see my daughter and wife coming to greet me home to Heaven, and at that moment, we cross the Rainbow Bridge together, to live out an eternal life, with our creator. Nobody knows the true beauty of a unicorn until it is too late.
(c)V.anilla B.utterfly
Everyone is beautiful

I am staring out at the rain, feeling like things can't get anyworse. I go to school the next day, and people seem to make it worse. Just when it seems i've hit rock bottom, my true friend comes up and tells me, it's okay, every body is beautiful. And in that moment, i feel much better. I know she speaks the truth, no matter what the others say, everyone is beautiful.

(c)V.anilla B.utterfly

End of the year poem(for 8th graders)

Take each day as it comes your way, not caring what anyone says. This year was great, memorable, and full of great times. Each new day held the prospect of a new beginning, the promise of a new tomorrow. Many of us have lived our lives out in sorrow. But it doesn't have to be that way. I learned that, to see a rainbow, you must go through the rain, and to find true love you must go through the pain. Life is full of heartache, but each day brings a new beginnig, and the happy times are renewed. You gain some friendships, you lose some friendships. You get in a wonderful relationship, then something happens and you've lost it all. No romance, no friends, no happiness. But the truth is, we all experience this point in our lives, the moment of new discovery. You get more friends, and the start of a new relationship begins to bloom and flower. Some of us have an indescribable feeling that we don't understand. As we head off to high-school, that feeling comes again. This time, the feeling is unanimous. I wanna run with the reckless emotion, find out if love is the size of an ocean, know how it feels to be ALIVE. And so my friends, I say one final thing as we bid ado, memories may die and fade away, but friendships are steadfast. Memories may fade, but friendships last forever

(c)V.anilla B.utterfly


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